edcahoots | Los Angeles
We provide services in Los Angeles at our office and virtually
Ashley Shapiro, MA, BCET, ADHD-CE
Executive Director and Founder
Board Certified Educational Therapist
Master of Arts, Clinical Psychology
Bachelor of Arts, Interdisciplinary Studies
ADHD Certified Educator
Sarah Spiwak Gelbart, MA, ET/P
associate Director
Educational Therapist / Professional
Master of Arts, Mild/Moderate Disabilities with an emphasis in Educational Therapy
Bachelor of Science in General Studies (Elementary Education)
Multi-Subject Teaching Credentials with ELA Authorization
Supplementary Art Credential
Natalie Menard, MA, BCET
Assessment Coordinator
Board Certified educational therapist
Master of Arts, Educational Therapy
Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Studies (with concentration in Literacy)
Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Teaching Credential
Hayley Ehrlich, MSEd, ET/P, ADHD-CE
Educational Therapist / Professional
Master of Science, Education
Bachelor of Science, Social Work
Students with Disabilities Certification, Grades 5-9
ADHD Certified Educator
Ash Holzer, ET/P
Educational Therapist / Professional
B.A. English Literature, Texas A&M University
Educational Therapy Certificate, University of California Riverside Extension
David Chavez, MA, ET/P
Educational Therapist /professional
Master of Arts, Special Education: Educational Therapy
Bachelor of Arts, Child and Adolescent Development
Liza DeWitt, Ed.M.
Associate Educational Therapist
Master of Education, Learning and Teaching
Bachelor of Arts, Ethnomusicology
Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
Gina Elkin, MSEd, BCET, ADHD-CE
Board Certified Educational Therapist
Master of Education, Special Education
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
Education Specialist Instruction Credential with Autism Authorization
Multiple Subject Teaching Credential with ELA Authorization
ADHD Certified Educator